Be Extraordinary Everyday!

Jessica Jerrain

New adventures are waiting for us.  We need to trust that Life will bring to us all that we need. Life loves us!

– Louise L. Hay.


Life works in mysterious ways. I do believe that everything happens for a reason, to bring us to where we’re meant to be. We go through these trying times to prepare us for greatness. It all depends on how you handle and look at these moments. Are you going to let it all defeat you, and stay in your comfort zone? Or are you going to RISE HIGHER, and not let any of it demoralize you? Looking at the overflow of negative in a positive light will manifest LIFE into something so wonderful and so beautiful.  You’ll smile everyday and be living your happiness.  We all want it, but I think we’re all terrified of achieving such a dream.  It’s hard, I do understand, as I’ve been living and struggling with it myself.

Today, I challenge you to be extraordinary. Whatever you’re capable of today, do something that’ll launch you to your greatness, anything. Today, I’m going to go hiking because I want to be great, and do great things.  And this is the first step for me to get there.  At the beginning of this year I set out to lose 50 pounds, which I was able to achieve (and then some) while standing at 5’2”.  I did it, and landed myself into SELF Magazine.  My confidence was soaring, and I knew I could do anything I set my mind on, just as long as I kept believing in myself and did my absolute best everyday.  Whatever that was. The latter half of the year, some circumstances that were challenging all came rushing to me at the same time, and I let it defeat me.  I gained back a good portion of what I worked hard to lose.  This is the old me.  I sabotaged myself once more, and it’s come at the cost of my happiness.  I want that euphoric feeling back.   I don’t want this sadness anymore.  I don’t want to be in this comfort zone, this miserable comfort zone of depression.  It’s a comfortable pain, and I don’t want that for myself.  I don’t want my daughter to learn these habits.

It’s time to face this sadness… take it in… and MOVE ON! Because, why not?  We are all capable of such extraordinary things.  Just be your best.  Look at the positive and nothing can stop you.  You’re in control of how you feel.  Rise above, get out of that comfort zone and live life everyday like you’ve never lived before!

I’ve been wanting to start this blog for sometime now.  I’ve been trying to come up with a title for awhile, which is what’s held me back on officially launching it.  I think I was subconsciously sabotaging myself once more. Blocking my path to happiness, because I am terrified.  Which is silly. Why am I suddenly shy and fearful about what people think of me? I mean, this is who I am!  Going down memory lane, opening yourself up to whoever is reading and allowing them to know things about you is intimidating. What if no one reads any of this?  Over thinking is our worst enemy.  However, that’s exactly why I want to write this, to share my life stories and experiences, because I know I can relate to you in someway.  Life hasn’t been easy. It hasn’t been easy for the majority of us.  This is my way of reaching out.  Last night I put it out into the universe… it’s time I get the ball rolling and stop sitting on my thumbs.  I dreamt of this last night:

B.E.E. (Be Extraordinary Everyday).

There was another word before all of that, but I seem to always remember only half of my dreams. So this will do.  And she said, LET THERE BE LIGHT!


By Jessica Jerrain

An actress, mother, and radical friend, Jessica Jerrain has set her eyes on dreaming big since she was a young girl. Falling in love in the magical world of movies, and envisioning herself on that big screen one day, she saturated herself with as much as she could take in and learned, later putting herself in theatre classes from Jr. High through college. During that time she discovered that film and comedy was her calling. Making people laugh through acting, was an amazing feeling of accomplishment. Along the way she made a little mini her who she likes to call Emily. Since the day Emmy came into her life, she was forever changed. Making an oath to change herself mentally and physically she set out to be her best. Sounds simple enough. During this adventure and massive speed bumps of life, she realized that not only does she want to help herself and be a role model to her daughter but that she wants to help others be happy as well. These 3 things are reminders of what drives her to be extraordinary.


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