Silly Old Ant


Ant Character by Doddle Fur

What makes a person funny? Is it the way they tell a story? Their intelligence? Can people be taught to be funny? My answer is no. I have known very funny people in my life and there are some people who are just not funny, period. No matter how hard they try or how much they are taught some people cannot tell a joke. It’s more than being creative or clever. There are some very creative beings in the world who have absolutely no sense of humor.

Take the ant…please. But, seriously folks, any ant will do. Just look at how intricate the ant colony becomes. Some ant hills go several feet underground. Some, like the termite have giant hills that are created almost overnight with hundreds of tunnels connecting to different chambers. Some chambers are used to store food, while others are for breeding. Not one of them are used for open-mic nights. There, proof positive.

There are jokes you can tell about ants. They are safe. I’ve never been to an open-mic where some idiot gets offended about an ant joke. “Hey, my little brother is an ant…with Down’s Syndrome!” Long story…

There are animals that are known to laugh. The Laughing Hyena or the Braying Ass, but enough about Fox News. Yes, they laugh, but not at jokes. Sort of like that relative you have that took too much of their “medication” and for no reason at all they laugh and laugh.

Some people never get the joke and have to have it explained to them. Like when I told this joke: “I am so uncoordinated the first time I tried surfing I hit a deer. “ Her response? “Why would a deer be surfing?” She’s a registered voter too, scary thought huh? And a good general rule of thumb, if you have to have a joke explained to you then you are never going to find it funny.

People need humor in their lives. I am proud to be a contributor, especially if you laughed at any of this. If not, go carry your bread crumbs into your ant hill for the winter.

Here’s hoping that your 2014 is better than your 2013. If not, the countdown to 2015 has already begun![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

By Steven Schwartz

Steve is the eldest member of the Intellexual family. A transplant from NJ , Steve has been a long time friend and adpted family member of the Dawson-Davis-Davis-clan. Steve is also a filmmaker and a fledgling comedy writer, stand-up comedian and has been working on a documentary about a junior cavalry organization from his youth. Steve currently works for DirecTV.