2014 – The Best One Yet?


“Not everything that is faced can be changed.  But nothing can be changed until it is faced.”

Jessica Jerrain
Jessica Jerrain at Hoover Dam – Dec. 2013

The anticipation is building as we’re waiting for 2014’s sparkly numbers to light up and welcome us into the new year, we also stand here in anticipation of what our next year’s future holds.  Some are very glad to see the previous year stay behind them while others had their “best one yet!™” One thing we all have in common is that the new year year brings us hope.  The hope of new beginnings, continued lessons and blessings, love and success.  We make resolutions to help keep us focused on our desires, some follow through while others become a part of your what if bank of dreams.

I wrote a few things down in permanent marker and put this paper on the wall that I see right when I wake and right before retiring for the day.  I created this ‘I can and I will’ plan for 2014 a few weeks ago because I didn’t want to wait any longer to start focusing on my dreams.

I put affirmation quotes around this sheet along with a few other visuals.  I’ve dreamt about all of the ‘what ifs’ my whole life, and I’d much rather try to make them come true than sit back and hope it all just comes to me. That’s just laziness and gets you nothing.

The truth is, even if it something is meant to be, how does it know how to find you? Unless you get up and do your best, and open doors and open windows… you’ll never put yourself in the right place to meet opportunity.

One of my resolutions is simple: to respect myself.  The number one thing that clicked in my brain in 2013 while sifting through all of the wicked lessons that have come across my path in the past few years was self respect.  I use my dating life as the perfect example – which also reflects all of my relationships past – I’ve not been treated in the manner I deserve because I haven’t believed I deserve much.  Sliding over the specifics… the men in my life would come and go and leave in a very immoral way.  And, in the end, I allowed them to walk over me because I didn’t respect myself.

Of course, that doesn’t excuse their behavior at all, but I still encouraged it by letting them take residence in my life. The end of last year gave me a real wake-up call for my life. I came down with an illness and once I ‘recovered’ instead of being upset from any set backs I came to realize that this could be the greatest blessing of all. I try to reflect on that instead. It’s not something ideal, but it’s a blessing nonetheless.

It forces me to follow through with all of the things I’ve been wanting to achieve for myself and truly be inside and out. We are strong, and the human soul can endure a lot but how you handle your lessons and move forward sets you apart from the rest.  Aim higher than ever, love yourself first and the rest will follow.

Of course, I encourage you to have a little fun during this new year, enjoy yourself, be in the moment and smile more! I made a resolution last year to be in SELF Magazine.  It was completely out of left field, and some would say impossible.  But as far fetched as it was, I believed in it and without knowing how I would achieve this dream, I made it happen and was featured in SELF.  Who’s to say that my new off the wall resolutions won’t manifest as well? As long as I try, believe and respect myself in this next chapter anything is possible.

Here’s what I’ve come up with:

1. Achieve my physical goal and lose weight, get healthy again, document it all and pitch myself to SELF because I want to make it onto their cover this year!  It’s something I’ve dreamed of for sometime now.  I visualize it and see it.

2. Land my dream job where I get to reach out, help and inspire others.

3. Travel the world.

4. Be in a blockbuster film.

5. Continue being an extraordinary mother to my daughter and learn from her.

I dare you to be daring and make an out of this world resolution, reach past the stars and soar.  Give yourself permission, because you deserve it!  I wish you the best 2014.  Let it be outstanding.


By Jessica Jerrain

An actress, mother, and radical friend, Jessica Jerrain has set her eyes on dreaming big since she was a young girl. Falling in love in the magical world of movies, and envisioning herself on that big screen one day, she saturated herself with as much as she could take in and learned, later putting herself in theatre classes from Jr. High through college. During that time she discovered that film and comedy was her calling. Making people laugh through acting, was an amazing feeling of accomplishment. Along the way she made a little mini her who she likes to call Emily. Since the day Emmy came into her life, she was forever changed. Making an oath to change herself mentally and physically she set out to be her best. Sounds simple enough. During this adventure and massive speed bumps of life, she realized that not only does she want to help herself and be a role model to her daughter but that she wants to help others be happy as well. These 3 things are reminders of what drives her to be extraordinary.

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